SHOUTING! SIRENS! CHANTING PROTESTORS! Beattie is an 8 year old Black girl who lives in an America in upheaval. Her daddy teaches her to take deep breaths and draw her happy place to calm herself when things get too hard. What is Beattie's happy place? A rainbow. As she colors her rainbow, Beattie discovers what is missing from it: The color that looks most like her. Beattie asks herself...if there is no color black in a rainbow, how will she ever know where a little Black girl like her belongs in the world?
Ain't No Black in a Rainbow is a solo play for young children that encourages audience participation.
Curriculum Connections
Fun Fact
Nambi E. Kelley's stage adaptation of Native Son played Off-Broadway in 2019, and she has also signed on as playwright for the upcoming Broadway aimed Phenomenal Woman: Maya Angelou, a play with music about the late poet and civil rights activist.
Original Credits
Written by Nambi E. Kelley