Felix Pitre

Latin American singer-storyteller-musician extraordinaire Felix Pitre regales audiences with shows available in English, Spanish, or English and Spanish.
Animal Tales (Animales)
Sing and laugh along with Felix as he presents a collection of wonderful animal stories celebrating the environment and teaching respect for creatures large and small. This audience participation treat includes stories from Brazil, Mexico and Peru, with songs including "Froggie Went a Courtin'," "Alouette" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight.”
Mexican Legends and Songs
Felix brings to life historical characters Pancho Villa, Doña Marina, Cortés and Montezuma with wit and charm. Be prepared to sing along with "La Cucaracha", "Cu cu ru cu cu Paloma" and more.
Stories and Songs of Latin America
Felix shares many of the Hispanic traditions that were passed down to him from his own family, celebrating the culture of Latin America with puppetry, stories, songs and dance.
For more information, visit felixpitre.com.