A musical revue of beloved contemporary children's books!
Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri
Dragons love all sorts of tacos—except spicy ones! When a boy throws his new dragon friends a spicy salsa taco party, red-hot trouble ensues.
Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein
It’s bedtime for the little red chicken. Papa is going to read her a story, but the chicken can’t help interrupting. Will the chicken ever get to sleep?
The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
A story about the creative spirit in all of us. Vashti can’t draw. When her teacher says, “Just make a mark and see where it takes you,” Vashti discovers she is an artist after all.
Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride by Kate DiCamillo, Illustrated by Chris Van Dusen
Mercy, a porcine wonder, and Mr. Watson go for a ride every Saturday in Mr. Watson’s automobile. But one Saturday, guess who winds up behind the wheel?
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa School Days by Erica Silverman, painted by Betsy Lewin
Yee Haw! Cowgirl Kate and her loyal horse Cocoa are the perfect pair. They do everything together, until school is in session—and horses are not allowed!
Approximate Running Time: 50 Minutes
Recommended Ages: Grades K through 5
Curriculum Connections
Fun Fact
Costume Designer Dustin Cross designed for the Off-Broadway hit Forbidden Broadway, where he met Dragons Love Tacos and Other Stories director Marcus Stevens—a performer in the show.
Original Credits
Musical Scenes by Brendon Milburn and Janet Allard, Sam Salmond, Mark Sonnenblick and Ben Wexler, Marcus Stevens and Joe Kinosian, Marcus Stevens and Bree Lowdermilk
Original Direction by Marcus Stevens
Original Choreography by Wendy Seyb
Scenic Design by Brian Dudkiewicz
Costume Design by Dustin Cross
Orchestration by Mike Pettry