Miss Nelson is Missing

The students in Room 207 were the worst-behaved class in the whole school: spitballs stuck to the ceiling and paper airplanes whizzing through the air –– even though they had the sweetest teacher of all, Miss Nelson. But when Miss Nelson unexpectedly does not come to school one day, the class gets the strictest substitute they have ever met: Miss Viola Swamp!
The search is on for Miss Nelson, who seems to have vanished. Hopefully the students of Room 207 will find her before it's too late –– for them! This lighthearted musical from Two Beans Productions reminds us all to show appreciation to those that we value.
Running Time: Approximately 60 Minutes
Recommended Age: Grades K through 5
Curriculum Connections:
Communication and Language Arts
This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.
This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.
This is where the text for your Feature List Item should go. It's best to keep it short and sweet.
Based on the Books by Harry Allard